We now have two packages of bees installed in hives, but who can say how things will turn out? This project has been pretty expensive so far and it is not even complete. We only have one suit and set of tools and I am not sure when I will pick up extras as there are a lot of other urgent projects.
I need to totally enclose the area where the bees are because that is supposed tol be the new and improved garden. I am thinking about using the 55 gallon barrels for a windbreak. Oh, that white plastic you see in the background near the green post is used for sjambok practice. It seems better to hook a target up so it moves when it is hit rather than just repeatedly hitting a stationary target.
It looks like a vulture is circling above one of the trees. Lostminds said he noticed that every time he opened the duck coop we are using for a McMutant coop vultures show up... I never noticed anything like that last year. We ordered 54 McMutants and lost 2 so far. Not sure when I will order the next batch.
This year's turkeys are not very friendly, and I suspect it has to do with the fact they were placed in the same brood box as ducks. I have noticed that critters react differently based on which critters they are raised with.
I kinda-sorta started this, but I have no idea when I will post anything of substance.
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